In 2016, we have continued to move markets to create success and growth for our clients. As a result, we also need to expand and earlier this month we moved into our new APAC headquarters in North Sydney. To celebrate the end of our second week at Level 3, 146 Arthur Street we’ve put together a list of Did You Know’s about our new HQ.
Our awesome IT and operations team ensured a smooth moving process for us, with no hiccups despite extensive computer server relocation and implementation of our new, super high-speed internet reaching 400 mbs per second!
All departments on one floor::
McCorkell’s new Sydney home allows the whole team to be on one level.It’s great to have easier access to our colleagues for collaboration.
Interactive boardrooms:
Not only do we now have an abundance of meeting rooms to choose from, our sophisticated and contemporary boardrooms features an interactive smartboard and projector, allowing for more in-depth, insightful presentations and better audience engagement.
The superb view:
Finally, (and we’ve saved the best for last), the view. It’s impossible to turn your head and avoid the stunning view that stretches across the harbour from nearly wherever you’re standing. A truly beautiful sight, particularly just on 5pm when the sun begins to set.
If you’re looking for integrated marketing solutions for your company, give us a call to organise a meeting in our new North Sydney HQ!